Training funding options

It is always a difficult question -' can we afford to do training?'

The question should be ' can we afford not to do training?'

The costs of an accident is a very high price to pay for all concerned.

For employers and the self employed, training and learning is important to satisfy your business needs. By undertaking training for specific industry  works, you'll be developing new skills for the continued success of your business.

 Employees will gain job satisfaction, have a sense of ownership, a greater understanding of the work that they carry out and the industry in which they work. As well as an opportunity to work their way up the career ladder.



Sources of funding, which may help:


Welsh Assembly Government - Farming Connect scheme - upto 80% funding for training in Farming or Forestry enterprises.
Focus on Forestry First  -
Graduate Opportunities Wales -
Skills funding agency -
Department for employment and learning -
Impact Factory  -