Labour shortages

We are very lucky, we have a fab team of guys working with us. But it hasn't always been easy to find help. We do not seem to be alone in this matter. People often ask if we have had training clients looking for work on farms, work at riding stables, work in offices, work helping with farm paperwork, work caring. As land based enterprises, we seem to be short of labour everywhere!

Whether you require someone one day a week, for seasonal jobs or on a permanent basis, help seems to be very hard to find. 

So what can we do?

A few of us have gotten together and formed an Agrisgop group to look at some solutions.

If you have a suggestion, are looking for help your self or are looking for work or an additional form of income and would like to join our group, please get in touch. All suggestions are welcome!

If we talk, maybe we can all help each other out somehow.