Farming Connect skills development funding window opens

JHS will be holding Personal Development Plan surgeries to help candidates to create or update their Personal Development Plan and apply for funding on the following dates:
5.9.19 Dolswydd, Penybont, LD1 5UB
16.9.19 Starling Cloud, Aberystwyth
23.9.19 Brecon
7.10.19 Dolswydd, Penybont, LD1 5UB
21.10.19 Brecon
28.10.19 Starling Cloud, Aberystwyth
30.10.19 Dolswydd, Penybont, LD1 5UB
You will need to have already registered with the Service Centre 08456 000 813 and have your login details to hand.
Please don't leave it until the last minute!
Give us a call, we are always happy to help